Our Services

Drone Survey

A drone survey refers to the use of a drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), to capture aerial data with downward-facing sensors, such as RGB or multispectral cameras, and LIDAR payloads.

Topographical Survey

A topographical survey is an accurate depiction of a site (property, area of land, defined boundary) which is scaled and detailed to show all the natural and manmade features and their levels.

Detail Engineering Survey

Detail Engineering Survey is the wide term used to describe the work of surveyors on civil engineering works. Surveying Engineer collect, analyze, & manage the global spatial infrastructure.


Providing quality services

Drone Survey

A drone survey refers to the use of a drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), to capture aerial data with downward-facing sensors, such as RGB or multispectral cameras, and LIDAR payloads.

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Topographical Survey

A topographical survey is an accurate depiction of a site (property, area of land, defined boundary) which is scaled and detailed to show all the natural and manmade features and their levels.

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Detail Engineering Survey

Detail Engineering Survey is the wide term used to describe the work of surveyors on civil engineering works. Surveying Engineer collect, analyze, & manage the global spatial infrastructure.

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Contour Survey

Main objective of conducting contour surveys is to identify any noticeable difference in elevation of the existing land. In land surveying a contour map is a map illustrated with contour lines

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Route Survey

A Route Survey is made on the ground to provide for the location of right of way lines, a centerline, or reference lines in relation to property lines and terrain features.

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Transmission Line Survey

Route Alignment Survey: It is conducted for proposed routes of transportation and communication, such as transmission lines, pipelines and tunnels.

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Railway Engineering Survey

Once a decision has been taken during preliminary investigations about the general feasibility and desirability of a railway line, surveys are undertaken before the construction of the new line.

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Command Survey

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Industrial Survey

The industrial survey is a field survey in which statistical data on economic activities in the industry field are.

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Cadastral Survey

In India, Cadastral survey means a survey to gauge land boundaries and subdivisions. These boundaries are defined to understand the limitation of land titles.

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Road & Bridges Survey

In a certain project of highway construction, the reconnaissance survey has identified three possible alignments.

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DGPS Survey

Image result for dgps survey A Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) is an enhancement to the Global Positioning System (GPS) which provides improved location accuracy.

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Estimation of Earth Work Quantities

The determination of earthwork quantities is based upon field cross- sections taken in a specified manner before and after excavation.

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Solar panel survey work

It's customary for a PV system integrator to do a Site survey and collect information about local conditions and issues before any proposal is made..

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Hire of Survey Instruments (GPS & TOTAL STATION)

GPS surveying is a quick and accurate way of mapping and modeling the physical world, from mountainous landscapes to city skylines.

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Tunnel Survey

Tunnel surveying is a type of underground surveying for the construction of tunnels. Methods and procedure of tunnel surveying is discussed.

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GIS and Digital Mapping

A geographic information system (GIS) is a system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data.

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High Rise Building Services

Building Services are the electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems in a building. For this reason they are also called MEP services, for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing.

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